Network Myanmar




Interim Report of the Investigation Commission on Maungtaw - 3 January 2017

Flash Report of OHCHR Mission to Bangladesh - 3 February 2017

Advance Unedited Report of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights - 1 March 2017

Annan Advisory Commission Interim Report and Recommendations - March 2017

Myanmar Government welcomes Annan Advisory Commission Interim Report - 16 March 2017

HRC Resolution on the Situation in Myanmar adopted on 24 March 2017 without a vote

Report of the Special Rapporteur to the UN General Assembly - 8 September 2017

Mission Report of OHCHR Mission to Cox's Bazaar 13-24 September 2017

UN Security Council: Record of the 8060th Meeting on 28 September 2017

House of Commons: Debate Pack for use of MPs in the debate on 17 October 2017

UN Security Council: Text of Presidential Statement on Myanmar 6 November 2017

UN Security Council: Record of the 8085th Meeting 6 November 2017

Report of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee on Violence in Rakhine State 11 December 2017

UN Security Council: Record of the 8133rd Meeting 12 December 2017

UN General Assembly: Resolution on the Situation in Myanmar of 24 December 2017


Report of the UK International Development Committee on the Rohingya Crisis 9 January 2018

UN Security Council: Record of the 8179th Meeting on 13 February 2018

European Council Conclusions on Myanmar/Burma - 26 February 2018

Report by Bob Rae, Canadian PM's Special Envoy, on the Rohingya Crisis - April 2018

UN Security Council: Press Statement on UNSC Visit to Bangladesh and Myanmar - 9 May 2018

UN Security Council: Record of the 8255th Meeting on 14 May 2018

(Final Draft) Memorandum of Understanding between Myanmar, UNDP and UNHCR - May 2018

Report of the Special Rapporteur to the UN General Assembly - 20 August 2018

UN Security Council Record of the 8333rd Meeting on 28 August 2018

US Documentation of Atrocities in  Northern Rakhine State - 24 September 2018

UK and France host high-level event on the Rohingya crisis - 24 September 2018

Myanmar 'resolutely rejects' ICC ruling on Rakhine: Kyaw Tint Swe at UN -  28 September 2018

UN Security Council Record of the 8381st Meeting on 24 October 2018

Debate in the UK House of Commons on the Rohingya Refugee Crisis - 20 December 2018

UN General Assembly: Resolution on the Situation in Myanmar No. 264 of 22 December 2018


UN Security Council: Record of the 8477th Meeting on 28 February 2019

Report of the UN Secretary General to the General Assembly 20 August 2019

Report of the Special Rapporteur to the UN General Assembly - 30 August 2019

Report of the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Rights of the Rohingya September 2019

Resolution of the Human Rights Council on the Situation in Myanmar - 25 September 2019

Letter dated 16 October 2019 from Ambassador Hau Do Suan to the UN Secretary-General

UNGA Third Committee Resolution on the Situation in Myanmar- 14 November 2019 [140-9-32]

UN General Assembly Resolution on the Situation in Myanmar No. 246 of 27 December 2019


Rakhine State: MFA Snapshot of Current Efforts for Peace and Reconciliation - January 2020

Joint Myanmar-China Statement on the Conclusion of President Xi Yinping's Visit - 18 January 2020

Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar: Report of UNHCHR to the Council - 27 January 2020

Statement on the Situation by UNHCHR Michelle Bachelet - 27 February 2020

Final Statement by UN Special Rapporteur Yanghee Lee - 29 April 2020

UNDP, UNHCR and Myanmar extend MOU on repatriation - 11 May 2020

Closed UN Security Council VTC on Myanmar - "What's in Blue" - 14 May 2020

Resolution of the Human Rights Council on the Situation in Myanmar - 22 June 2020

Closed UN Security Council VTC on Myanmar - "What's in Blue" - 11 September 2020

Joint Statement by eight UNSC Members after the VTC - 11 September 2020

Situation of Human Rights of Rohingya Muslims - UN OHCHR Report 3 September 2020

Briefing Pack for UK Members of Parliament. Rohingya Humanitarian Debate 24 September 2020

UN Third Committee Resolution on the Situation in Myanmar 30 Oct approved on 18 Nov 2020

UN General Assembly Resolution on the Situation in Myanmar No. 75/238 of 31 December 2020


Closed UN Security Council VTC Consultations on Myanmar - UN News 2 February 2021

Security Council Press Statement on the Situation in Myanmar - 4 February 2021

UN Human Right Council Resolution on the crisis in Myanmar - 12 February 2021

Statement by the President of the Security Council on Myanmar - 10 March 2021

Resolution of the Human Rights Council on the Situation in Myanmar - 24 March 2021

Resolution of the UN General Assembly on the Situation in Myanmar No. 75/287 - 14 June 2021

Record of the UNGA Plenary Meeting on 18 June 2021 

UN Press Centre: Report on the Outcome of this Resolution, and debate - 18 June 2021

UN Human Rights Council Resolution on the Situation in Myanmar - 12 July 2021

UK Foreign Affairs Committee Report - UK Govt Response to the Situation in Myanmar -13 July 2021

Security Council Press Statement on the Situation in Myanmar - 10 November 2021

UN Third Committee Resolution on the Situation in Myanmar 11 Nov approved on 17 Nov 2021

Security Council Press Statement on the Situation in Myanmar - 29 December 2021


Security Council Press Statement on the Situation in Myanmar - 1 February 2022

US Secretary Blinken's remarks on the determination of genocide in Myanmar - 21 March 2022

Security Council Press Statement on the Situation in Myanmar - 28 July 2022

Statement by the Sec-Gen's Special Envoy Noeleen Heyzer - 17 August 2022

Record of Discussions between Min Aung Hlaing and Noeleen Heyzer - 20 August 2022

UN Press Office reports on the Security Council Resolution on Myanmar - 21 December 2022

Resolution of the Security Council S/RES/2669 - 21 December 2022

Record of Security Council Meeting No 9231 held on 21 December 2022

Statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs 23 December 2022 - GNLM 24 December 2022


Conference Paper by UN Special Rapporteur Thomas  Andrews on the Situation in Burma - 31 Jan 2023

The Situation  in Myanmar: Report of the UNHC for Human Rights A/HRC/52/21 - 2 March 2023

A/HRC/52/L.19 on the Situation in Myanmar: 24 March 2023

Human Rights Council approves A/HRC/52/L.19. China did not join a consensus: 4 April 2023


Official Communiqué of the 9541st (closed) meeting of the UNSC on 5 February 2024

Record of Security Council Meeting No 9595 held on 4 April 2024


A Critique of Chapter 2 of Ronan's Lee's book "Myanmar's Rohingya Genocide" IB Tauris 2021

Statement By Cardinal Charles Bo, Archbishop of Yangon - 26 June 2017

An evolution of Rohingya Persecution: Middle East Institute - Zarni and Cowley 20 April 2017

A critique of  eight articles by U Ba Tha written between 1959 and 1966 - 7 March 2017

Interview with Vijay Nambiar: "No Country for the Rohingyas" - Rediff News 2 March 2017

An Innocent in La La Land? Misinformation in Dr Ibrahim's Book - 1 March 2017

Review of revised edition of Dr Ibrahim's book - 1 February 2018

ASEAN Foreign Ministers Retreat Yangon: Speech by Malaysian FM - 19 December 2016


1940: Report on Indian Immigration - Financial Secretary James Baxter 

Command Paper 7029 - Record of Conversations between HMG and Aung San

Extracts 1947 Panglong Hugh Tinker Volume II

Report of the Frontier Areas Committee of Enquiry 24 April 1947

1948: Death of Aung San - Allegations of British involvement

1972-1973: List of 144 [143] national ethnic races for use in the 1973 Census

Suu Kyi - Sao Shwe Thaik family relations: UK FCO correspondence 1973

Suu Kyi at Oxford 1979: Comments on Indians, British, Chinese and Japanese

1982 Citizenship Law     

1983 Citizenship Rules

Presentation to ISEAS Singapore by Derek Tonkin on the UNSC Vote on 12 January 2007

The 1990 Elections in Myanmar: ISEAS Contemporary SE Asia April 2007

Rohingya/Muslim Issues - Database

Thein Sein assures Guterres of legality of Bengali Immigration during British Rule

Burmese Text of Report by President's Office on 12 July 2012

RFA report of Thein-Sein Guterres Conversation on 11 July 2012

IMF - Myanmar 2016: Article IV Staff Report - 2 February 2017

Text of Bangladesh-Myanmar Agreement on Refugee Repatriation dated 23 November 2017

Presidential Executive Order No. 14014 of 10 February 2021 on Blocking Assets

The Drafting of the Constitution of the Union of Burma in 1947 - Donal Coffey December 2022

Natonal Defense Authorization Act 2023

What the Burma Act does and does not mean - Michael Martin CSIS - 6 February 2023

US State Department: Anthony Blinken of the latest US sanctions - 21 June 2023

US Treasury sanctions Myanmar MoD and two regime-controlled financial institutions - 21 June 2023

Background Notes

1. The Rewriting of History: Rohingya Anachronism - 7 May 2018

2. A comment on "Fact Sheet on the Rohingya" by Maung Zarni - 26 May 2018

3. Historical Notes on the Executive Councils appointed by the Governors of Burma 1945-47

Indonesia and Cambodia

The UK's supposed complicity in the mass killings in Indonesia in 1965: Derek Tonkin

British Policy towards Indonesia 1963-66: Derek Tonkin

US Secret War gives aid to the Khmer Rouge - Jeremy Stone Buffalo Times November 1989 (ex NYT)

Statement in Open Court Geidt and de Normann v. Pilger and CIT plc 5 July 1991

Britain Blameless  in Cambodia saga: Derek Tonkin - Phnom Penh Post Jan/Feb 2000

John Pilger was a Charlatan and a Fraudster: Oliver Kamm  CAPX - 4 January 2024

Archives on Cambodia from the Private Papers of Derek Tonkin - 9 January 2024

Obituary: Mrs Doreen E Tonkin : 5 October 1930 - 10 June 2024

Order of Service

Tribute by Derek Tonkin

Our Odyssey together 1949 - 2024
